Sunday, May 31, 2009

For Margie (and also about her and her family)

Another tune for you, Margie! And anyone else. Bits of news follow:

Margie is feeling well-loved these days, with Anabel up from Belize for a week and Steve and the family up from San Diego for a night over the weekend. She is also simply delighted to see the Haddocks again. They are her neighbors at the old condo (upstairs) and are just like family.

She feels weary on and off, needing nice restorative naps.

If you visit or talk with her, please remind her to drink lots of water and to keep moving as much as she can. She's been taking walks in the past couple of weeks.

Ceci and Donna are in Kauai. Here are a couple of photos. One is the condo and the other is the view:

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