Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 29th (Steve Ford's Birthday!)

Margie got up at 7:30.  Her blood pressure and temperature were in good shape.
Margie, Ceci and Donna are going for breakfast at Margie's old haunt, The Tree House (part of the Pepper Tree Best Western on State).  We will meet Donna's sister-in-law, Carol, and two nephews, Mark and Cole. Mom will call Steve to wish him happy birthday before we go out.

Mom's tummy is aching a bit, but she is in good cheer. She's taken her acid fighting medicine and is ready to eat. Yesterday she was a reluctant eater, but that's to be expected on the 4th day after chemo administration.

Ceci will stay with Margie today. Ceci has lots of papers to comment on for her graduate class. Margie has letters to write and resting to do.  Donna will be off with her family having fun.

Anabel returns from Berkeley today.  Ceci leaves for Madison on Tuesday, very early.

Margie wants to have Monday breakfast with here walker friends.

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